on May 8, 2024
by Armagan Ercan
in Core-devs-call
The Gnosis Core Devs Call is a pivotal part of the Gnosis ecosystem, fostering idea sharing, collaboration, and continuous innovation within the community.
Representatives from various teams, including Erigon, Gateway, Nethermind, Geth, Gnosis DevOps, Gnosis Core Devs, Gnosis DevRels, Gnosis Comms, and community contributors. The diverse attendance ensures a thorough and insightful discussion from multiple angles.
For those unable to attend, the full recording can be found on YouTube.
Client Team Updates
Working on Shutter
No more xdai(_archive) configs in the new Nethermind release (1.21.0)
Potential issues in AvadoErigon:
The header download functionality is acting up a bit from time to time
Somnath is working on it
Transaction pool should work on Gnosis but hasn’t gone through extensive testing
Same for validatingGeth:
Was able to sync 1.5m blocks
Geth is now running out of memory on the old branch
Did a rebase and is cleaning up some code, but that new branch isn’t syncing
Chain Infra
Is running 100% of the RPC traffic of the Gnosis RPC
We believe that the HISTORY_BUFFER_LENGTH variable doesn’t matter that must
Having 1.14 days or 0.47 days give roughly the same UX
We’re going to keep that number and thus deploy the exact same contracts
Gnosis: https://gnosis.blockscout.com/address/0x000F3df6D732807Ef1319fB7B8bB8522d0Beac02
Chiado: https://gnosis-chiado.blockscout.com/address/0x000F3df6D732807Ef1319fB7B8bB8522d0Beac02
Big block experiment
The network suffers from big blocks (we spammed it super cheaply for a 10 - 20 minutes)
The head participation went down quite a bit (close to 20%)
Min gas price will be 1 gwei to be on the same scale as normal transactions (1 gwei minimal priority fee)
Nethermind wrote a tool to spam blobs and it broke a lot of clients
These might just have been early implementation bugs
An attacker could get a 67% share in the network in 2.5 days because the entry queue scaled way too quickly
Hive Tests
Merged the dencun tests from upstream
Will work with Egor to catch up as fast as possible
We have a Devnet with Nethermind, Teku and Lodestar
Lighthouse doesn’t work for custom configs anymore, Carlos is in communication with them
There are some issues, probably related to peering
Also deployed the blob scanner and spammer
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