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We at the GnosisDAO believe that humanity can do so much better — we build tools for restoring the agency of people and communities by introducing fairness back into the Internet and solving coordination failures.

As a DAO, Gnosis uses the products that it creates to transparently guide decisions on the development, support, and governance of its own ecosystem. Anyone can participate in decision-making by joining the Gnosis Forum

Community Run Chain graphic
Average GNO Committed to Voting

The Community-Run Chain

As a DAO, anyone can participate in decision making about the development of Gnosis. We are a vibrant community founded on the values of early Ethereum. GNO is the staking token of Gnosis and the governance token for the GnosisDAO. Use your voice to take a stand on issues, weigh in on proposals, and shape the future of Gnosis.

Our Process
GIPs graphic

Propose and Review Solutions

For a Gnosis Improvement Proposal (GIP) to be accepted, it must successfully pass through three phases.

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Vote graphic

Vote by Being Active on the Chain

The GnosisDAO Snapshot space hosts polls to determine a proposal’s outcome. To vote on-chain in a GnosisDAO Snapshot poll, GNO must be in your wallet.

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Treasury graphic
Treasury Value

Idealists With the Means to Build OGs With a Track Record

Our prudently managed treasury by karpatkey ensures that we will be around for the long term and our ecosystem will be continuously improved.

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