⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 30 December 2022

⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 30 December 2022

⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 30 December 2022

⚔️ 🦉 Gnosis Chain Weekly · 30 December 2022

on Dec 30, 2022

by Gnosis

in Validators

This year was nothing short of monumental for Gnosis. It was packed with landmark developments and accomplishments. The events of this year strengthened our conviction about the importance of building credibly neutral infrastructure as we focused on building the Gnosis Chain. It is the most important step towards ensuring that everyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, has access to what we build. Without such an infrastructure in place, how can we resiliently coordinate with each other to face the myriad of challenges before us? This is why we worked hard this year on growing the community of validators securing the Gnosis Chain by making the process user-friendly and financially accessible. As a community-run public blockchain, secured by hundreds of thousands of validators, Gnosis Chain is committed to being the most resilient and unstoppable network available. We were guided by this mission in 2022 and we will continue this pursuit well into the future as we introduce new mechanisms to further decentralize the Gnosis Chain. Let’s take a look at some of the highlights from the year!

Gnosis Merge

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Certainly the most significant event this year was the Gnosis Merge. The Merge replaced the legacy Proof-of-Authority consensus (PoA) with the open and unpermissioned Beacon Chain Consensus. The Merge transitioned Gnosis to a fully decentralized and permissionless Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network secured by approximately 111,111 validators making it the third most decentralized network behind Bitcoin and Ethereum. Notably, Epoch 0 of the Gnosis Beacon Chain launched on December 08, 2021 at 19:55 UTC ~ exactly one year before Gnosis Chain reached Total Terminal Difficulty and merged! To learn more about the Gnosis Merge, please visit our new website here.


Earlier in the year we worked with creative studio XXIX to re-imagine the visual identity of Gnosis. The overall aesthetic is a solarpunk vision of the near future that emphasizes a culture of abundance. It’s what our lives might look like if we manage to solve the coordination failures around major contemporary challenges such as climate change. Recently, we applied the brand guidelines to our new website gnosis.io

GnosisDAO GIPs 

This year the GnosisDAO saw 52 Gnosis Improvement Proposals (GIPs). That’s nearly twice the amount of GIPs from 2021! Many proposals this year were related to the development of the Gnosis Chain ecosystem.

The GnosisDAO voted to fund the Gnosis Builders; a concerted ecosystem development effort to support developers and projects building on the Gnosis Chain with investments, grants, technical support, business development and marketing.

The GnosisDAO voted to partner with Erigon to run on Gnosis Chain for at least three years. Erigon is an Ethereum client built to enable performance optimizations and brings client diversity to Gnosis Chain, a critical component of maintaining the decentralization of the network.

The DAO also voted to partner with Nethermind to run on Gnosis Chain for over three years. Nethermind provides client support for node operators on Gnosis Chain. The partnership also ensures client diversity and, therefore, the resilience of Gnosis Chain.

Community members put together a proposal to implement the Praise Reward System, designed by Giveth, for the Gnosis Chain validator channel on Discord. Praise gives validators the ability to earn GNO for helping others with troubleshooting issues with running a node. 

Karpatkey authored a proposal regarding a strategic partnership between the GnosisDAO and MakerDAO to benefit the Gnosis Chain ecosystem. GnosisDAO and MakerDAO both share a vision of using DAI to build a decentralized digital global economy that is fair, transparent and efficient. To learn more about the proposal read here and here.

Succinct Labs and the 0xParc community proposed to build a zkSNARK-enabled bridge for the Gnosis Chain native bridges. Gnosis' native bridges allow for sending tokens and data, and are currently run by a group of trusted bridge validators. This proposal moves the Gnosis Chain towards trustless bridges, a significant innovation. Gnosis' native bridges are first-class citizens in the chain's architecture due to the native xDai bridge's integral role in minting and burning the native xDai token used for gas.

The Bootnode team onboarded as a core contributor of the DAO to support the growth of the Gnosis Chain ecosystem for a 6 month engagement. The team has worked closely with all involved parties to maintain and improve the bridge solutions that empower the Gnosis Chain. Bootnode has also worked to improve the Circles infrastructure, a project associated with the GnosisDAO community. Lastly, BootNode setup and ran the Gnosis Chain full-stack (validator nodes and bridges) focusing on the Gnosis Beacon Chain in preparation for The Gnosis Merge.

Gateway.fm authored a proposal to build and support resilient infrastructure for the Gnosis Chain. Gateway.fm provides geographically-distributed enterprise infrastructure built for speed, scale and stability. Their work will extend into 2023. 


In the trilemma of scalability, decentralization and security, Gnosis is committed to decentralization. Post-merge and in addition to emphasizing geographic distribution of validators, Gnosis will track a number of key metrics to measure the decentralization of the network. Unique deposit addresses, nodes in the network, and client diversity are all critical aspects of ensuring that Gnosis is the most decentralized public blockchain available. 

Other technical proposals to ensure that Gnosis Chain becomes even more resilient in 2023 are base layer solutions such as a shutterized beacon chain allowing users to send encrypted transactions. Such a design would ensure equal access as all transactional data would be generic and anonymous. Additionally, validators could be subject to automatic slashing in the event that they censor blocks if we actively measure the amount of censorship happening on the network. Transaction order flow could also be routed from wallets and apps to anti-MEV mechanisms that utilize Cow Protocol. 

Project Updates 🦉

Gnosis Subgraphs on HOPR

HOPR is the first project to use The Graph Protocol across multiple chains - including Gnosis Chain 😎

Niftyfair.io Is Live

New on-chain NFT marketplace, Niftyfair.io, recently launched on Gnosis Chain

Delegating GRT On The Graph Using Gnosis Chain

Learn how to delegate your GRT on the Graph Network using Gnosis Chain

Build on Gnosis Chain with Chainstack

Run high-performing Gnosis Chain RPC nodes and APIs in minutes on a platform built for scale.

This year was a landmark thanks to the GnosisDAO community. From the teams that coordinated a successful merge, the thousands of node runners securing Gnosis Chain, and to those tirelessly building, we are forever grateful to our dedicated community members. We can’t wait for what 2023 holds and see you on-chain! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

To learn more, join the Gnosis Chain Discord, browse the GnosisDAO Forums and join the GnosisDAO Discord. Visit our website listed below or contact us at community@gnosis.io

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