on Oct 21, 2022
by Gnosis
in Validators

Transaction censorship was a hot-button issue this week with MEV Watch publishing stats about the percentage of OFAC compliant blocks on Ethereum. Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX authored a document about proposed standards for digital assets.
Allowing all transfers opens up the door to significant financial crimes, and banning all transfers unless allowlisted grinds commerce and innovation to a halt and freezes out the economically disadvantaged. Maintaining a blocklist is a good balance: prohibiting illegal transfers and freezing funds associated with financial crimes while otherwise allowing commerce. SBF https://www.ftxpolicy.com/posts/possible-digital-asset-industry-standards

Either you believe that the censoring of blacklisted wallets by OFAC represents a fundamental breach of why blockchains were designed in the first place or you’re of the opinion that nothing is above the law and comply, one must.

Martin Koppelman, co-founder of Gnosis, tossed his hat into the ring tweeting, “We reached another sad milestone in censorship: 51% This means if the censoring validators would now stop attesting to non-censoring blocks they would eventually form the canonical, 100% censoring chain.”
Friederike Ernst, another founding member of Gnosis, hosted a barn burner panel at Devcon about censorship resistance and credible neutrality for the Epicenter podcast.
In short, as Ethereum vies for mainstream adoption its foundational values have been brought into sharp focus. One thing is for sure and that’s our dedication to credible neutrality on Gnosis Chain. Ultimately, this is a conversation about norms and the future of the Internet. Come stop by the Gnosis Chain discord and let’s talk about it.
The Graph Network brings 360+ indexers to the Gnosis Chain
All Hallow’s Eve event w/ Safe & Gnosis Chain at ETHLisbon
Merge Update 🦉
Please subscribe to the Merge Newsletter for the most up-to-date information on how to prepare for the Gnosis Chian merge.
GnosisDAO Community Call
We sat down with RossToTheFuture of the Azuro team along with team leads from across the Gnosis ecosystem on the latest community call.
We’re back… BACK
Light wallet, Small Hold supports xDai
🏔 of the Week
A few weekly tidbits highlighting regular goings on.
🏘 DAO of the Week: PeaceDAO
PeaceDAO is a non-traditional NGO funding platform aimed at creating non-traditional funding models for global crisis zones. It was founded after the war in Ukraine broke out, and has deployed over $70,000 in Ukraine.
By funding small grass-roots organizations, PeaceDAO has been able to pay for the evacuation of over 1,000 Ukrainians. During this crisis, PeaceDAO has provided funds for crucial supply runs and funded transportation costs aimed at mitigating civilian casualties and alleviating suffering.
At the moment PeaceDAO is transitioning toward a more global initiative. Stay tuned by checking into their discord under the channel “PeaceDAO”.
Azuro’s Bet of the Week on bookmaker.XYZ
It’s time for the weekly check-in with Azuro Protocol and their first betting front-end, bookmaker.xyz.
We’ve had quite the week of great picks at bookmaker.xyz. We wrapped our “XYZ Flu Season” campaign on Wednesday, where we dropped free bet NFTs to followers who shared their bets on Twitter all week. So for this week’s newsletter, we’ll focus on one of the best bets from that campaign!
Coming via “LockedandLoaded” on Twitter, who not only won one but two of the daily free bet NFTs! We’re focusing on his great pick for Slavia Prague - CFR Cluj. Betting 5 xDAI on CFR to win on the 1x2 markets at odds of 7.78. The result was a 38 xDAI win and an additional $50 free bet for simply sharing his bet on Twitter!
We just launched our “Betting Battle Royale” competition, and next week’s bet of the week will surely be a hard one to choose!
Firm handshakes all round.
🙏 Thank you
Come say hi in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on the 10th of November at 5PM CET, GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces account.
See you on-chain,
Gnosis Chain Team
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